Results - July 12, 2003
Troy Relays 

CONGRATULATIONS go out to the Cudas!
They took home every age group trophy but one
as well as the all around trophy!!


8-Under                  Age Group Winners 
CW         122
Cel           80
SM           46
Dolphin    30
NB            4
Cel            138        Age Group Winners
CW            74
SM             62
NB              44
Dolpin        10
CW            146        Age Group Winners
SM              46
Dolphin       44
Cel              30
NB               20
CW            140        Age Group Winners
Dolphin       62
SM              56
NB               38
Cel              10
CW              118        Age Group Winners
Dolphin         90
Cel                80
SM                18
NB                  4 
CW               154
Dolphin           66
SM                 62
Cel                  58
NB                  36 
Team Total
CW                754        Overall Winner
Cel                 396
Dolphin          302
SM                290
NB                146


Cuda Coaches with the Hardware

8 & Under Coaches displaying
the 8 & Under age group trophy

Above . .   * & Under coaches getting praise from their
8 & under kids after placing second in the 
Coaches Relay!!

Go Coaches!!   
(We all know that the first place team left early)



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