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Last Updated 7-30-07

Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time



St. Marys
Katie Burke
M Dominik
D Craft
M Ferrall
1.26.74 100 Medley Relay 1983 St. Marys 1:25.09
1986 SM  Hunter 17.20 25 Freestyle 1987 CW Muhlenkamp 15.96
1982 CW Amy Braun 21.91 25 Breast Stroke 1988 DOL N Badgett 20.14
1984 SM T Halko 19.00 25 Butterfly 1980 VER E Delaet 18.29
7-29-00 TW Baylee Morgan 20.65 25 Backstroke 1988 DOL N Badgett 22.66
7-30-05 Coldwater
L Leugers
L Homan
S Kanney
K Siefring
1:17.20 100 Free Relay 1983 St. Marys 1:13.48
9-10 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1984 St. Marys 1:15.32 100 Medley Relay 1989 TW 1:12.37
1994 TP  K Fulker 14.94 25 Freestyle 1983


TP E.Neuenschwander
 CW Zach Dickman 
1990 CW Amy Braun 31.90 50 Freestyle 1989 CW  J Muhlenkamp 32.09
1990 CW Amy Braun 16.07 25 Butterfly 1984 TP  B Bayman 16.29
1990 CW Amy Braun 1:24.48 100 IM 1992 TP B White 1:23.91
1993 CW C Firks 17.84 25 Backstroke 1990 DOL N Badgett 18.26
1991 YE E Staley 19.54 25 Breaststroke 1992 TP  B White 19.26
1984 St. Marys 1:05.83 100 Free Relay 1991 Celina 1:04.61
11-12 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1993 DOL 1:01.81 100 Medley Relay 1985 TP 1:01.87
1994 SM B Dicke 13.91 25 Freestyle 1984 CE G Cron 13.14
7-29-00 TW Karen Liddy 29.85 50 Freestyle 2007 CW Zach Dickman 27.63
1984 CE L Arps 14.79 25 Butterfly 1984 CE  G Cron 14.09
1991 CW Amy Braun 1:14.09 100 IM 2007 CW Zach Dickman 1:14.30
1985 SM S Yingling 16.56 25 Backstroke 1993 CW Matt Puthoff 15.87
7-29-00 TW Karen Liddy 17.52 25 Breaststroke 1988 SM L Kleinhenz 17.28
1995 DOL 59.41 100 Free Relay 1984 TW 57.48
13-14 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1993 Coldwater 2:19.13 200 Medley Relay 1995 TW 2:05.89
2003 SM Jaz Craft 28.76 50 Freestyle 2003 TP S Fulker 26.13
1994 CW  Amy Braun 30.76 50 Butterfly 1995 CW  Matt Puthoff 28.72
2001 TW Karen Liddy 1:10.91 100 IM 1986 TW J Baker 1:06.66
1994 CW Amy Braun 33.05 50 Backstroke 1988 TP  Van Norman 31.34
2002 SM Jasmine Craft 36.47 50 Breaststroke 1986 TW J Baker 33.94
1982 Coldwater 2:07.03 200 Free Relay 1994 TW 1:54.32
15-18 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
7-24-04 St Marys
M Magee
J Craft
K Sanford
E Schaaf


200 Medley Relay 1989 TP




2001 TP Kelsey Fulker 28.44 50 Freestyle 1983 TW J Balta 24.55
1981 CE J Vanderhorst 30.79 50 Butterfly 2005 CE Kelly Mallory 24.35
1981 CE J Vanderhorst 1:10.07 100 IM 1989 TP J VanNorman 1:02.19
2002 SM Amy Cron 32.59 50 Backstroke 1998 TW N Badgett 28.66
1999 TW E Staley 35.08 50 Breaststroke 1981 TW T Winans 31.31
1989 Celina 1:59.97 200 Free Relay 1982 TW 1:45.01


Last Updated 7-30-07

Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time



St. Marys
Katie Burke
M Dominik
D Craft
M Ferrall
1.26.74 100 Medley Relay 1983 St. Marys 1:25.09
1986 SM  Hunter 17.20 25 Freestyle 1987 CW Muhlenkamp 15.96
1982 CW Amy Braun 21.91 25 Breast Stroke 1988 DOL N Badgett 20.14
1984 SM T Halko 19.00 25 Butterfly 1980 VER E Delaet 18.29
7-29-00 TW Baylee Morgan 20.65 25 Backstroke 1988 DOL N Badgett 22.66
7-30-05 Coldwater
L Leugers
L Homan
S Kanney
K Siefring
1:17.20 100 Free Relay 1983 St. Marys 1:13.48
9-10 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1984 St. Marys 1:15.32 100 Medley Relay 1989 TW 1:12.37
1994 TP  K Fulker 14.94 25 Freestyle 1983


TP E.Neuenschwander
 CW Zach Dickman 
1990 CW Amy Braun 31.90 50 Freestyle 1989 CW  J Muhlenkamp 32.09
1990 CW Amy Braun 16.07 25 Butterfly 1984 TP  B Bayman 16.29
1990 CW Amy Braun 1:24.48 100 IM 1992 TP B White 1:23.91
1993 CW C Firks 17.84 25 Backstroke 1990 DOL N Badgett 18.26
1991 YE E Staley 19.54 25 Breaststroke 1992 TP  B White 19.26
1984 St. Marys 1:05.83 100 Free Relay 1991 Celina 1:04.61
11-12 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1993 DOL 1:01.81 100 Medley Relay 1985 TP 1:01.87
1994 SM B Dicke 13.91 25 Freestyle 2007 CW Zach Dickman 12.77
7-29-00 TW Karen Liddy 29.85 50 Freestyle 2007 CW Zach Dickman 27.18
1984 CE L Arps 14.79 25 Butterfly 1984 CE  G Cron 14.09
1991 CW Amy Braun 1:14.09 100 IM 2007 CW Zach Dickman 1:13.36
1985 SM S Yingling 16.56 25 Backstroke 2007 CW Zach Dickman 15.35
7-29-00 TW Karen Liddy 17.52 25 Breaststroke 1988 SM L Kleinhenz 17.28
1995 DOL 59.41 100 Free Relay 1984 TW 57.48
13-14 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
1993 Coldwater 2:19.13 200 Medley Relay 1995 TW 2:05.89
2003 SM Jaz Craft 28.76 50 Freestyle 2003 TP S Fulker 26.13
1994 CW  Amy Braun 30.76 50 Butterfly 1995 CW  Matt Puthoff 28.72
2001 TW Karen Liddy 1:10.91 100 IM 1986 TW J Baker 1:06.66
1994 CW Amy Braun 33.05 50 Backstroke 1988 TP  Van Norman 31.34
2002 SM Jasmine Craft 36.47 50 Breaststroke 1986 TW J Baker 33.94
1982 Coldwater 2:07.03 200 Free Relay 1994 TW 1:54.32
15-18 Age Group
Girls   Boys
Date Name Time Event Date Name Time
7-24-04 St Marys
M Magee
J Craft
K Sanford
E Schaaf


200 Medley Relay 1989 TP




2001 TP Kelsey Fulker 28.44 50 Freestyle 1983 TW J Balta 24.55
1981 CE J Vanderhorst 30.79 50 Butterfly 2005 CE Kelly Mallory 24.35
1981 CE J Vanderhorst 1:10.07 100 IM 1989 TP J VanNorman 1:02.19
2002 SM Amy Cron 32.59 50 Backstroke 1998 TW N Badgett 28.66
1999 TW E Staley 35.08 50 Breaststroke 1981 TW T Winans 31.31
1989 Celina 1:59.97 200 Free Relay 1982 TW 1:45.01

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